Networking by Helping Others

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In The Power of Being Positive, I mentioned how helping others opens doors for you. It was a concept I hadn’t really realized until recently. I ran into this article called Networking When You’re an Introvert Who Hates Networking, and tip #3 was particularly interesting to me. It basically says that people are more likely to remember you when an opportunity arises if you’ve helped them in the past.

It makes sense. Let’s say you help someone, in my case, maybe I offer free tips on how to improve their site or maybe write up instructions for them on how to buy a domain. I may not get anything for it but gratitude at the time, but that good karma may come back to me later. Maybe that person knows of a job opening at their company. Maybe that person also knows 10 qualified people who could fill that position. That gratitude from the favor I did before may just give me the edge now.

I think that sort of good karma is how you make your own luck. Too many of us, myself included, have been focused on immediate results. I don’t start making efforts until I need something. The idea is to maintain an attitude of “how can I help you?” whether or not you need something. Even if you get nothing in return ever, I think the satisfaction you get from helping others should be enough to keep it up. Generosity breeds good will, and whether you know it or not, you will be remembered.