A Little Trust Goes a Long Way

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I know an employer who used to make all employees clock in and out using a thumb-scanning timeclock. Including salaried employees. Silly, right? This was about the most horrible thing an employer can do morale-wise.

Salaried employees are paid a set amount regardless of hours worked. Most of the time they are expected to stay late when needed, but should also be free to leave early when they are not needed. By making salaried workers punch a timeclock it’s basically telling them, “I don’t trust you.”

What should matter is if the worker is getting things done and meeting goals. In this case, were goals being met? No one knows because none were ever set. But projects were always getting done, so that’s something, right? Why the Big Brother routine?

Micro-management is such an ugly quality to see in a company. Some say, “If you want it done right, do it yourself…” Well I disagree. As a manager you need to recognize talent and let those who are better than you at doing that task actually do their jobs. If liberties are being abused, then that’s when you need to have a chat with the offenders to find out what they’re unhappy about. Chances are they are unhappy about something, because most people will happily work if they enjoy their jobs.

Believe me, a little trust goes a long way. We all want to be treated like mature adults, not misbehaving children. Be proactive in keeping your employees happy, not reactive. If an employee feels like a valued member, they will work for you all the harder.