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For the last nine years my BMW 325i has served me well. A few problems here and there, but nothing horrible. I find it to be the perfect mix between cushy and sporty. The time is approaching where I’m thinking about replacing my car. It’s really nice not having a car payment, and that’s the only thing holding me back at the moment. Still, that doesn’t mean I can’t look.

I’d like to start test driving here and there, and I thought it would be fun to share my thoughts on each one. Not really related to web design, the internet, or happiness on the job, but maybe I can find a marketing slant of some kind. Well even if I don’t, it’ll be a nice break from all the other stuff I tend to post.

To start, I have a list of criteria that my future car has to have, as well as a “nice to have” list. A car is an expensive thing, and I don’t make such decisions lightly. Plus, the pickier I am, the more I am likely to delay my purchase, which is good for my wallet.


Style – I need to like looking at what I’m driving. This is by far the shallowest, impractical, and yet the most important, criteria in my list. I drive nearly every day, so a car is kind of like an extension of myself, and I want it to be cool. This means nothing boring, and definitely no ugly cars.

Good Mileage – My beemer gets 19/29 mpg, so my future car should get that at the very least, but preferably better.

Compact – I love small cars. They are easier to park and maneuver, and get more miles per gallon. Big cars make me feel like I’m in a lumbering beast. I like to feel agile.

Utility – At the very least I want to be able to throw the seats down and stick some lumber back there if I want. I special ordered my beemer to have folding seats, and I’ve used it countless times for home improvement projects. This also means no two-seaters, as there isn’t much room for anything at all.

Reliability – I want the car to last me at least 10 years trouble-free. This is why I am avoiding all American cars.

Price – I’d like to stay under $40,000. Anything more than that is unnecessary.


Zippy – I could care less about a car’s top speed. Who cares if you can go 300 mph when you shouldn’t be going more than 80 on the freeway anyway? Still, I would like my car to have a bit of kick to it. Some get-up-and-go for when I want to maneuver around idiots on the road. This is almost a requirement.

Bluetooth – I’ve been using a wire for my hands-free talking, but it would be so much more convenient if I didn’t have to.

MP3 Jack – This is almost standard in cars nowadays. The FM modulator I’ve been using in my car isn’t all that great, but I listen to the radio most of the time anyway, so I won’t be crushed if I don’t get this.

Four Doors – I’ve had a two door hatchback and it was a pain having to fold the front seats forward for back seat access.

Hatchback – I love hatchbacks. They are incredibly useful because it’s so much more carrying capacity, and easier access to your car’s interior. When I was bringing home a water fountain for our back yard, I could not fit that box into any of my beemer’s openings. I had to pull the thing out of the box and stick it in my back seat.

I may add some more to my list later, but this is a good start.