About 10 years ago I received a strange email out of the blue. It was informing people that a particular acquaintance I knew back in college had laid himself down on the railroad tracks and killed himself. I was surprised at receiving such an email, but not surprised by the news itself. I didn’t know him all that well, but he had huge esteem issues.
I had been out of touch with the man for several years, so I wasn’t particularly affected, but I did feel sad for him. I’m not sure why that email popped into my head today. Random neurons firing I guess. But it made me curious… did that really happen? So I googled his name with the word “tracks” and immediately found the story of what happened.
It was extremely detailed about the events that led up to the incident, and it seemed like a familiar pattern from when I knew him. He was a lonely young man, prone to extreme self-doubt and negativity. It was like he had a black hole inside sucking up everything around him. Efforts to make him feel better seemed to only make him express even more self-loathing. It was such a swirling vortex of negativity that people couldn’t help but want to escape it. It was a vicious cycle that basically alienated nearly everyone who cared.
It’s a very sad story, but really punctuates the fact that people are attracted to positive individuals. I know a woman who has basically had hard luck for most of her life. She’s a single mother who works multiple jobs to make ends meet, and gets picked on by a manager because she doesn’t kiss ass. Yet if you were to talk to her you would never guess how hard she has it. She’s always smiling, always energetic, and always has time for you. People like her (well, except for that one manager).
My point is, every day she chooses to stay positive. This in turn attracts people, some of which may be able to help her, who will want to help her. Positive energy breeds more positive energy, while negative energy eventually drives people away.
If you find yourself in a downward spiral, really make an effort to snap out of it. Pretend if you have to. Sometimes pretend emotions become real. If your life is too depressing, focus on others. When you help others first, you may be surprised to find more doors opening for you. Once you get wrapped up in helping others, you may one day look up and find that things aren’t so bad anymore.
Zoe, thanks for sharing. I will have to follow your blog more closely now.
Hi Zoe, This is a great story. Unfortunately, I have experienced a similar story, although the “victim” wasn’t a friend of mine but the boyfriend of an ex girlfriend of mine. He had the same negative pattern and a mutual friend, told me that he didn’t like to get around him anymore for the same reason. It was depressing.
The real happiness is to help others and I agree that it is the best therapy there is to have a great time while on Earth.